Chapter 2, Section 4


The next court document page that I will review begins by saying that Lucent alleged that I did not provide proof that I had been seeing a doctor since 2002 and that this violated their medical plan. (Never mind that I considered their whole mental disability scheme a violation.) I responded, again, Pro Se without an attorney, by saying in the lower court that since 2003 I had been seen by an Iranian Muslim doctor by the name of Dr. Muhammad Ali Shamie. Unfortunately, Dr. Shamie was not an in-network Lucent doctor, and I had difficulty paying him. I first saw him ten years before when I was on Social Security Disability, and he took that insurance. Later, I taught for a year at DeVry Technical Institute, and my Social Security Disability stopped, and I could no longer pay him under that plan.

Lucent had no black psychiatrists in their medical plan, and since I thought their abuse of me was racist, I complained to them about that. I didn’t grow up around black people. I only spent considerable time immersed in a black community when Lucent stopped my disability benefits in 2006.[1] This monkey wrench was just when I finished my second masters at USC and went to job interviews. Because I had no money, this forced me to move to a halfway house in Watts, California, and I stopped going to job interviews. “A halfway house is an institute for people with criminal backgrounds or drug abuse tendencies to learn (or relearn) the necessary skills to re-integrate into society and better support and care for themselves.” I don’t have a “criminal background or drug abuse tendencies.” Still, I did learn something about human nature from them.

A brilliant person of color named W. E. B Dubois grew up around all white people in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, for the first seventeen years of his life. Then, after graduating from high school, he went to Fisk University (a colored university in Nashville). Only after going to Fisk did he consider himself a person united with a black community; after he graduated from Fisk, he went on to Harvard University. Dubois received a bachelor’s degree from Fisk University but had to start over again as a junior at Harvard because Fisk was not accredited then.

 Coming from Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and going to Fisk in Nashville, Tennessee, in the South, he would come into contact with a large Black community for the first time. For him, this made all the difference in the world, for if he hadn’t gone to Fisk University before Harvard, he would not have had a black identity at Harvard. “[I]n an 1886 letter to Mr. Scudder, a pastor in Great Barrington. He writes, “… I can hardly realize they are all my people; that this great assembly of youth and intelligence are representatives of a race which twenty years ago was in bondage.” He also saw African American colleges as spaces where African Americans created an “inner culture,”

I never experienced “inner culture” of blackness. Dubois studied history and sociology; I studied engineering. For him, his study of history and sociology was a study of the African American experience. His Ph.D. dissertation title was “The suppression of the African slave trade in the United States.” My education in electrical engineering and computer engineering was not the subject of African Americans. It equipped me less for assimilation of black culture: culture – “norms found in human societies, as well as the knowledge, beliefs, arts, laws, customs, capabilities, and habits of the individuals in these groups.”

The only time I was in sustained “contact with a large Black community” was when Lucent stopped my disability pay in 2006 and forced me to move to a halfway house in Watts, California. The city of Watts is not Fisk University, and I was not seventeen years old and just forming my ideas about people like Du Bois; I was forty-six, and my beliefs were by then fixed. My personality, created while not being constantly around black people, was well established before I spent five years in Watts from 2008 to 2013, so I did not acquire the blackness that Dubois wrote about. Nor did I “hardly realize they are all my people; that this great assembly of youth and intelligence are representatives of a race.” Living in a halfway house with drug addicts and criminals, I did not feel “they were all my people.” Fully describing the situation in the half-way house would be a book. I did not feel comfortable in Watts; I don’t think anyone did.

When I was at Princeton getting my masters in engineering, a ‘typical’ black girl told me that I was always smiling. This interaction was early in the program; I was not smiling towards the end of my masters program. After all, my classes were challenging. In Watts, a black kid told me, “You smile all the time. I don’t trust people who smile.” I don’t trust people who don’t smile. For most black people, smiling is not their natural state. It is more common for black people to bite their lips than to smile when they see me. Smiling is my natural state, and it perplexes some unhappy people. Now I don’t trust people who notice that I am smiling because I think smiling is not their natural state.

Over time, I could eventually get more relaxed around black people in Watts, but I never fully relaxed; the drama was always present, and every so often, like clockwork, someone that someone knew got shot and murdered. A black barber in Watts told me I was “not really black.” So who am I fooling by claiming a racial discrimination suit against Lucent? But looking at the big picture, maybe Lucent was not fooled by my racial discrimination claim. Just maybe I am a “Super Star,” and it would be foolish for a “Super Star” to claim racial discrimination. Maybe I am just fooling myself by claiming blackness because a “Super Star” is much bigger than a color. This is some high-level thinking, and I am up to the task. Claiming blackness only proved to confuse the people around me and me. Thinking of “Blackness” always depressed me.


On the lowest conscious level, the managers or their legal team at Lucent did not appreciate my higher level existential distinction of non-blackness; I didn’t.  I am a spirit having this physical experience; I knew it was their blind spot, and I could take advantage of it. I discovered that many white male doctors had inferior ideas concerning race; some believed that black patients did not feel pain like white patients. White female doctors were more sympathetic to black people’s feelings than white male doctors. (Doctors Still Believe Black People Don’t Feel Pain; And It’s ing Taught In Medical School  and Why Don’t We Take Black People’s Pain Seriously? 


Sluggish Schizophrenia

The court document below continues by saying that I provided proof to the lower court from Dr. Shamie that I had been seeing him since 2003. I had to get a diagnosis to receive disability pay because I was not keen on ever working again. (I was taking the road less traveled.) Shamie gave me “Paranoid Psychosis (NOS),” Not Other Specified, which had no treatment because it fitted into no category. NOS is what the court means when it says in the footnote, “The form has no rubric for current treatment or medication.” I think Dr. Shamie understood the “Catch-22” (and double bind) I was in and intentionally picked some vague paranoia that could have a basis in prejudice and persecution (which I knew was the case). Before 2013, the term “Not Otherwise Specified” was used to describe any condition that didn’t quite meet the criteria for a definitive diagnosis.

The Soviet Union has a history of psychiatric diagnosing people who challenged the status quo; my case was no different. Many people have the false idea that political psychiatric persecution can happen in the Soviet Union but not in the United States.  This imaginary diagnosis of “Paranoid Psychosis (NOS)” is similar in purpose to what the Soviet Union gave their dissidents when labeled with “Sluggish Schizophrenia.”


From Wikipedia:

“[I]t was diagnosed even in patients who showed no symptoms of schizophrenia or other psychotic disorders, on the assumption that these symptoms would appear later.” “The diagnosis has long been discredited because of its scientific inadequacy and its use as a means of confining dissenters.”  “It is considered a prime example of the political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union. Sluggish schizophrenia was the most infamous of diagnoses used by Soviet psychiatrists, due to its usage against political dissidents. After being discharged from a hospital, persons diagnosed with sluggish schizophrenia were deprived of their civic rights, credibility and employability.” “Sluggish schizophrenia as a diagnostic category was created to facilitate the stifling of dissidents and was a root of self-deception among psychiatrists to placate their consciences when the doctors acted as a tool of oppression in the name of a political system” “Along with paranoia, sluggish schizophrenia was the diagnosis most frequently used for the psychiatric incarceration of dissenters.” “Darrel Regier of the National Institute of Mental Health, one of the U.S. experts who visited Soviet psychiatric hospitals in 1989, testified that a “substantial number” of political dissenters had been recognized as mentally sick on the basis of such symptoms as “anti-Soviet thoughts” or “delusions of reformism”.”  “Sluggish schizophrenia could have such symptoms as “reform delusions”, “perseverance” and “struggle for the truth.””


If a racist psychiatrist determines that you are “Black,” and you complain of racism, and they get paid to do it, they will find a diagnosis from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel).  Psychologists and Psychiatrists do not get paid if you are normal in an abnormal situation, so they label you sick. I disagree with the diagnosis of paranoid psychosis Not Other Specified (NOS); I think it is CIA-type manipulation where they create a problem and then show up peddling their well-orchestrated solution as part of an elaborate scheme. I believe it is racially and culturally motivated to “Gas-Light” me. If people are out to get you, you would be a fool not to be paranoid. Andy Grove, founder and former CEO of Intel, who developed the Pentium chip, wrote a 1996 book entitled, “Only the Paranoid Survive.” You could be paranoid, and people can still be out to get you. I wrote here before that Bob Sanferrare, the department head at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, told me when this plan to assault and harass me was first hatched, “Just because you are paranoid does not mean that people are not out to get you.” The AT&T Bell Laboratories Department Head’s statement makes this “Torture.” My job is not to take this “Torture” seriously; I have to find it a joke.


“Even paranoids have enemies” is the reply Golda Meir is said to have made to Henry Kissinger. During the 1973 Sinai talks, he accused her of being paranoid for not granting further concessions to the Arabs. “Just because you’re paranoid does not mean that no one is not out to get you.” I think this “paranoid psychosis (NOS)” diagnosis is a Catch-22, a scheme to discredit me in the eyes of the courts, similar to the FBI COINTEL Program[2]. COINTEL (Counter Intelligence Program) discredited targets through psychological warfare and smearing individuals and groups. This “paranoid psychosis (NOS)” is a smear campaign to bring me down to their psychological level, depress me, and reduce my morale. COINTEL was reportedly stopped in 1971, but I am sure it came back during the “Reagan Era” and the “War on Terror,” the former is when I was poisoned and drugged with LSD. The latter was when the LAPD in downtown Los Angeles harassed me; both were Psychological Warfare.


Psychological Warfare can be defined:

“any action which is practiced mainly by psychological methods with the aim of evoking a planned psychological reaction in other people”.


Lucent planned to harass me on my job to create extreme stress and then destroy my mind by poisoning me with LSD. These Top Secret Psychological Warfare methods are devised as a “Catch-22,”[3] if you describe it, then they say you are paranoid. And is a double-bind where you are persecuted for coming up with a solution to our problem.


From Websters Dictionary: “The meaning of “CATCH-22” is a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule; also: the circumstance or rule that denies a solution.”


“Catch-22” sounds like “Paranoid Psychosis Not Other Specified, where there is no treatment or solution.


If I were to look at this in the very most positive attempt at a solution to crack through the “Catch-22”, I could argue my experience differently. First, I could say that I was on a “Red Team.” In the middle of getting harassed by the Los Angeles Police in 2006 at the Starbucks coffee house near the University of Southern California (USC), one of the police in a group looked at me and said, “He’s on the “Red Team.” I could say that I was on a “Red Team.” For National Security reasons, I was the adversarial “Bad Guy;” in “Cowboys” and “Indians” parlance, I was the “Indians.”



Red Teaming also includes analysis. We could have used a “Red Team” to develop an alternative analysis of WMDs in Iraq. If a “Red Team” had provided an alternative analysis to the report of WMDs in Iraq (and we acted on it), it could have kept us out of that war, saved trillions of dollars, and created a more stable middle east, not to mention saved human lives.  Page 170 of the “Report to the President of the United States, 31 March 2005, The Commission on the Intelligence Capabilities of the United States Regarding Weapons of Mass Destruction,” states:


“The widely recognized need for alternative analysis drives many

to propose organizational solutions, such as “red teams” and

other formal mechanisms. Indeed, the Intelligence Reform and

Terrorism Prevention Act mandates the establishment of such

mechanisms to ensure that analysts conduct alternative analysis.

Any such organs, the creation of which we encourage, must do

more than just “alternative analysis,” though. The Community

should institute formal system for competitive—and even

explicitly contrarian—analysis. Such groups must be licensed to

be troublesome. Further, they must take contrarian positions,

not just ones that take a harder line…”


I was providing a needed Top Secret National Security Service. Teams need teams to practice against, kind of like a football scrimmage. In security analysis parlance, there are “Blue Teams,” which are the good guys, and “Red Teams,” who are the bad guys. In reality, they are all on the same team, but a small group of members are designated the “Red Team” to test the security response capabilities of the “Blue Team.” “A “Red Team” is a group that plays the role of an enemy or competitor to provide security response feedback from that perspective. “Red Teams” are used in many fields, especially cybersecurity, airport security, law enforcement, the military, and intelligence agencies.”

I could argue that I have the distinction of being enlisted (against my will) to test the United States Security Apparatus safely. Ultimately, as long as I survived and did not kill anyone, I can say with pride that my experience was one of a Top Secret “Red Team” member, to test National Security, my Veterans Disability pay is just payments for that service, and was a success.


Second, in courts, there is also something called ”The State Secrets Privilege,” which ensures a case never comes to trial because if justice is served, evidence brought to light will harm National Security.  The State Secrets Privilege is an evidentiary rule created by United States legal precedent. Application of the privilege results in the exclusion of evidence from a legal case based solely on affidavits submitted by the government stating that court proceedings might disclose sensitive information which might endanger national security. (See United States v. Reynolds, which involved alleged military secrets; the first case that saw formal recognition of the privilege.) Claiming the operational use of LSD to poison me, to the courts, is tantamount to “affidavits submitted by the government stating that court proceedings might disclose sensitive information.” This is a state secret and will probably never come to trial on the merits of the LSD poisoning; It is a forgone conclusion, and the government need not bother to submit affidavits. All the attorneys and judges involved in this case saw this, except one. When I wasn’t Pro Se, none of my attorneys would argue the point of my LSD drugging; they were afraid of it. That is also why Judge Snyder rubbed her nose, looked drunk, and refused to make eye contact. So if I want to feel good about the whole thing, I could imagine that I have the distinction of being a “Top Secret Red Team Member,” drugged with LSD, and the entire thing would never come to trial because of “The State Secrets Privilege.”     

Thirdly, I’m in excellent company. My research shows that Paul Robeson and Richard Wright were drugged with LSD by the American government, and they were not the only ones. You must research them if you don’t know Paul Robeson or Richard Wright. Paul Robeson’s son said that his father was drugged with a form of LSD by the American Government to keep his father out of Cuba during the American invasion at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro. Because of that poisoning, Paul Robeson spent two years in a mental hospital with 57 electric shock treatments (ECTs). The second to last paragraph of the page below from author Richard Wright’s FBI file says he was 4-F (unfit for military service) because he had “a severe psycho-neurosis. His interest in the problem of the Negro was almost an obsession.” Very few people know this; even scholars of Richard Wright refuse to discuss it.

[1] I may not be black.

[2] Counter Intelligence Program (1956–1971) was a series of covert and illegal[1][2] projects actively conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations.[3][4] FBI records show COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals the FBI deemed subversive.

[3] Catch-22 is a satirical war novel by American author Joseph Heller. He began writing it in 1953; the novel was first published in 1961. Often cited as one of the most significant novels of the twentieth century

Malcolm X was also registered 4-F with the Selective Service. His FBI files say that Malcolm wrote, “ [N]ow they will never draft or accept me in the U. S. Army. Everyone has always said Malcolm is crazy, so it isn’t hard to convince people that I am.”  Malcolm’s FBI file page below, dated 1/28/1955, says,


“Subject was rejected for military service in 1943 for mental reasons at which time they were found to be psychopathic personality inadequate, sexual perversion and psychiatric rejection.”


So if Richard Wright and Malcolm X were deemed psycho and Paul Robeson was driven psycho when poisoned with LSD by the American Government (and spent two years in a mental hospital), then maybe getting assaulted and battered twice on my job and then poisoned with LSD and forced on mental disability to shut me up, puts me in league with great men. Hell, I graduated from Air Force National Guard Officer Candidate School while on forced mental disability from AT&T, which puts me in very rare company. My justified paranoia is the result of government persecution.


The second line of the FBI document below says that on 5/25/53, Malcolm X had an:


“asocial personality with paranoid trends (pre-psychotic paranoid schizophrenic)”

Under “Health Status” the FBI documents below also say that Malcolm X:


“was suffering with a  social personality with paranoid trends (pre-psychotic paranoid schizophrenia)”


(The “a social personality” retyped from the document below is no doubt a typo and should be read as “asocial personality.”)

The following FBI file page shows that Malcolm X was also part of the “Defcon Program” as noted in the “DETCOM TABBING” section.


 “The DETCOM Program (also “Det-Com,” “Detcom”), along with the COMSAB (or “COMmunist SABotage”) Program formed part of the “Emergency Detention Program” (1946–1950) of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). As FBI historian Athan Theoharis described in 1978, “The FBI compiled other lists in addition to the Security Index. These include a “Comsab program” (concentrating on Communists with a potential for sabotage), and “Detcom program” (a “priority” list of individuals to be arrested), and a Communist Index (individuals about whom investigation did not “reflect sufficient disloyal information” but whom the bureau deemed to be ‘of interest … ‘.”)”


Fourth, and very most positive attempt at a solution to crack the “Catch-22” double-bind[1]: in the 1970s, two events caused the U.S. Senate, through the United States Select Senate Committee, to investigate our intelligence agencies, which included the FBI and the CIA. One was the Watergate scandal, and the other was the break-in of an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, (ten miles from my hometown) by an anti-war/draft organization called the “Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI” during the first Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier fight.  The group reasoned correctly that all the cops would be watching the fight so they could break in undetected. On March 8, 1971, eight activists staged a stunning act of defiance of the Vietnam War era when they broke into an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, and stole every document. (This was before the Pentagon Papers, WikiLeaks, and Edward Snowden’s NSA files.) These documents disclosed that the American Government was illegally spying on Vietnam War protesters, civil rights workers, the American Indian Movement (AIM), the Black Panthers, and virtual any person or group who challenged the status quo, via a program called COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program).  Nixon and the FBI were illegally spying on American citizens.

The Senate Select Committee investigated (so the American people could keep thinking they could have some level of trust in the government). The third paragraph from page seven of the 651-page document, “FOREIGN AND MILITARY INTELLIGENCE, BOOK I, FINAL REPORT OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE TO STUDY GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS WITH RESPECT TO INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES UNITED STATES SENATE April 26 ( legislative day, April 14 ), 1976” states:  


“The fact that government intelligence agencies resist any examination of their secret activities even by another part of the same government should not be minimized. The intelligence agencies are a sector of American government set apart. Employees’ loyalties to their organizations have been conditioned by the closed, compartmented and secretive circumstances of their agencies’ formation and operation. In some respects, the intelligence profession resembles monastic life with some of the disciplines and personal sacrifices reminiscent of medieval orders. Intelligence work is a life of service, but one in which the norms of American national life are sometimes distressingly distorted.”


What are these “same disciplines” that the Senate mentions in the report? If “the intelligence profession resembles monastic life,” as reported by the United States Senate, then given the assault and batteries, LSD drugging, and psychological torture that I have been put through, I should live the rest of my life on Veterans Disability, living the life of a monk with monk-like persuasions and benefits. I already succeeded in everything earthly that I wanted by building my house on the five acres that I grew up on; that is the only reason I went to DeVry Institute, Pratt Institute, and Princeton University in the first place.


“Monkhood, is a religious way of life in which one renounces worldly pursuits to devote oneself fully to spiritual work.” (  


Or I can be a Mendicant: 


“[O]ne who practices mendicancy, relying chiefly or exclusively on alms to survive. In principle, mendicant religious orders own little property, either individually or collectively, and in many instances members have taken a vow of poverty, in order that all their time and energy could be expended on practicing their respective faith, preaching and serving society.” (


In my case, the “alms” that I would survive on is VA disability, and serving society is retelling this story and forgiving those who trespass against me.

My “Monkhood” did not come easy, nor was the realization that these people are fragile and falling apart at the seams, indicated by them not smiling in their eyes.  Every human being has the right to be happy, almost like practicing a religion; mine is keeping a smile on my face.

When I was first hired at AT&T Bell Laboratories, I couldn’t walk down the halls and look these people in the eyes; they were ugly on the outside and the inside. As an engineer could understand, I felt more comfortable looking down at my shoelaces. But when they looked at me, I got the gut feeling that something sinister was happening, and over time I started to lose my smile. When you looked into their eyes, you saw darkness.  The window of their soul was dark. They did not smile with their eyes or smize[2]; they did not appear to think happy thoughts.


Matthew 6: 22-23 says,


(22) The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy,[a] your whole body will be full of light. (23) But if your eyes are unhealthy,[b] your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!


Even though AT&T Bell Laboratory micro-electronics division eventually morphed into “Lucent,” and is now Nokia Bell Labs, at no time did they bring the ‘Light.’  Their physical ugliness was only exceeded by the darkness of their soul. Now I am noticing the ugliness of the soul of many people, both black and white, and that realization only makes me smile more. They lost their way; it is not a race thing.  They don’t smile and sometimes comment on how I am smiling all of the time. I’ve come to understand that my problem is not racism but a darkness of their soul. Very few of the psychologists and psychiatrists that Lucent forced me to see brought the light; I judged them for their lack of it.


“They tried to Gaslight you.”


I judged one psychiatrist excellent. Only one psychiatrist came out and said, “They tried to Gaslight you.” She was Helen Singer Kaplan, a famous sex therapist in New York City. I reasoned that if I was forced to see a shrink (to collect my free money), and since I already saw a sport psychologist and he gave me the correct diagnosis that I was not disabled, I might as well try seeing a sex therapist; what harm can it do? Why was she the only shrink who instinctually blurt out the truth, “They tried to Gaslight you”? She made an immediate positive impression. What clinical experiences shaped her honest therapeutic approach?

She was the only psychiatrist with a Wikipedia page . She was the most famous and most well-respected in the profession. She is also the only one who had written four books on Amazon (, and it appears she authored, coauthored or edited over a dozen books.  She was “considered a leader among scientific-oriented sex therapists. She was noted for her efforts to combine some of the insights and techniques of psychoanalysis with behavioral methods.” “She was also dubbed the “Sex Queen” because of her role as a pioneer in sex therapy during the sexual revolution in 1960s America and because of her idea that people should enjoy sexual activity as much as possible, as opposed to seeing it as something dirty or harmful.” But it was none of these reasons experiences shaped her honest therapeutic approach.  

Dr. Helen Singer Kaplan was born in 1929 in Austria, came to the United States in 1940, and became a citizen in 1947. She received a Ph.D. in psychology from Columbia University in 1955 and a medical degree in 1959 from New York Medical College. She completed a comprehensive course in psychoanalysis from New York Medical College in 1970.  She died of cancer in 1996, not very long after I saw her.

In the preface of her book “The New Sex Therapy; Active Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions,” 1974, Dr. Helen Singer Kaplan states,


“The clinical experiences which shaped my therapeutic approach were initiated by the problems involved in treating the sexual difficulties of clinic patients from the ghetto population of East Harlem. From 1964 to 1969, I was Chief of the Psychosomatic and Liaison Services of the New York Medical College-Metropolitan Hospital Center, which serves the most impoverished areas in New York City.”



So Dr. Kaplan worked in East Harlem for five years treating mostly poor Puerto Rican and black people; this is where she learned her empathy which caused her to immediately exclaim, “They tried to Gaslight you,” and the experience shaped her honest therapeutic approach   Similar to my surviving 2008-2013 in Watts, five years in a ghetto can provide insight into people. For thirty years, I have been trying to figure out what made Dr. Kaplan so honest, instinctively more empathetic, and insightful than any of the other psychiatrists. While researching for this writing, I found out why. Her five years in Harlem did it; why she could come right out and say, “They tried to Gas-Light you.” I doubt any other psychiatrists paid by AT&T or Lucent spent five years working in a ghetto. By reading the preface of her book, “The New Sex Therapy; Active Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions,” I’ve decrypted why she had so much empathy; she served predominately black and brown people in Harlem for five years. Her five years in Harlem made all of the difference. It is what made her stand out from other shrinks. Most of the other psychiatrists were stuck in the paradigm of racism.

She has other books, including (1)“Sexual Aversion, Sexual Phobias and Panic Disorder,”  (2)“The Illustrated Manual Of Sex Therapy,” (3)“Sexual Desire Disorders: Dysfunctional Regulation of Sexual Motivation” (4) “How to Overcome Premature Ejaculation.” I ordered all of them, but Helen Singer Kaplan would not be the only sex therapist I would see. Almost twenty years later, a converted priest turned sex therapist provided a sex surrogate.  


I Want a Black Psychiatrist

 Back to the lawsuit document page below: around 2005, to highlight the inadequacy of their persecutory un-health plan, I wanted Lucent to think I wanted a black psychiatrist; I made this known to them. I wasn’t hung up on race, but I was sure Lucent and their psychiatrists were. After much hullabaloo and pulling of teeth, Lucent finally agreed to add three black psychiatrists to their network in Los Angeles. Until then, there were no black psychiatrists in the Lucent in-network health plan for the past twenty years. One black female psychiatrist that Lucent finally added said that she was not seeing new patients. I thought this was strange. I eventually saw a black in-network psychiatrist named Dr. Ibraham; if he wasn’t Muslim, he had a Muslim name. I told him what had happened and that I was suing Lucent. Immediately upon hearing this, he gave me my twenty-five dollar copay back and said to me that he could not see me because I was suing Lucent. Psychiatrists don’t like lawsuits.



Since the black psychiatrists would not see me, I decided to return to Dr. Shamie. Recently, I had problems paying him because I initially saw him and paid him under Social Security Disability around 1996, but by 2005 I had taught a year at DeVry Technical Institute, and Social Security Disability benefits stopped, and Lucent would not pay him because he was out-of-network. Dr. Shamie was not black; he was Iranian. (I could tell by how he giggled when I brought a stack of my medical file from CIGNA concerning Lucent that he understood that the whole exercise was a farce.) There was approximately a year when I was not seeing any psychiatrist because Lucent would not pay Dr. Shamie (he was out-of-network), and I was waiting for them to add a black doctor to their in-network plan. During this period of not seeing any shrink, I started to investigate the unwitting LSD poisoning of others by reading the book, “The Search for the “Manchurian Candidate”: The CIA and Mind Control: The Secret History of the Behavioral Sciences,” including the drugging of Frank Olson, Paul Robeson, and James Thornwell.

Starting in 2005, Lucent, through CIGNA, started to hound me to send in psychiatrist-completed medical forms. I hesitated because I was waiting for CIGNA to recommend some black psychiatrists. Earlier, in July 2006, Dr. Shamie did me a favor and filled out a Lucent disability form without charging me, and CIGNA told me my file was complete and up to date. But Lucent’s lawyers, through Laquisha Clemmons, were hounding me, saying I had not filed a completed medical form since 2003. Laquisha Clemmons (with that name, I assumed she was black) petitioned the Pennsylvania court to stop disability payments.

The Pennsylvania judge ordered a telephone hearing between the court, me, and Laquisha Clemmons, the attorney for Lucent. During the phone hearing, the judge asked  Laquisha Clemmons, “Hasn’t he suffered enough?” Without skipping a beat, she replied, “No.” The judge went silent, and I was too surprised to say anything. The judge changed the topic. I thought the phone hearing was starting to get weird, and I asked the judge if I could record the hearing. He hesitated but said yes. I didn’t record the phone hearing, but I wanted the judge and the attorney to think I was recording, so they would act right.   The judge told the attorney to send me a copy of a new blank medical form, and I would have several months to have a doctor fill them out. I was too stunned by Laquisha Clemmons saying that I had not suffered enough to tell the judge that Dr. Shamie had just filled out medical forms several months before for free.  It was around October 2006. I hesitated to see Dr. Shamie again because three months before, he had completed a disability form for Lucent on June 19th for free, and I was running through the list of black psychiatrists that CIGNA had just provided. As I wrote above, I saw Dr. Ibraham but he didn’t want to fill out the form because I was suing Lucent.

By the time I saw Dr. Shamie again in early November, I had brought up filling out the form at the end of the meeting, and he said, “Come back in the new year because I am leaving for Mecca.” He was going on hajj for a Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of Lucent’s delay in providing in-network black doctors and the black doctors deciding not to see me, the November 6 deadline for the form was fast coming.


I called Laquisha Clemmons several times to tell her that because of the delay of working through the failed list of black psychiatrists and Dr. Shamie going on hajj, that I was unable to complete the medical forms in time. She never picked up the phone, I left messages but she never returned my calls. I neglected to inform the court of my problem. On December 19, 2006 the Pennsylvania court granted Lucent’s petition to stop disability payments. I appealed stating that even though I was unable to have a form filled out by November 6, 2006, that Dr. Shamie had filled out a completed form in July, 2006, it was in the CIGNA file, and CIGNA said my file was complete.

[1] Double binds can be extremely stressful and become destructive when one is trapped in a dilemma and punished for finding a way out.

[2] A term coined by the model Tyra Banks.

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